Arctic Monkeys – Perfect Sense Lyrics

Perfect Sense Lyrics by Arctic Monkeys is a New English song from the album “The Car” sung by popular band Arctic Monkeys. Lyrics of this song are written by Alex Turner and music produced by James Ford.

Perfect Sense Lyrics

Richard of York: The Executive Branch
Having some fun with the warm-up act
If that’s what it takes to say goodnight
Then that’s what it takes

A four figure sum on a hotel notepad
A revelation or your money back
That’s what it takes to say goodnight
Sometimes, I wrap my head around it all
And it makes perfect sense

Keep remindin’ me that it ain’t a race
When my invincible streak turns onto the final straight
If that’s what it takes to say goodnight
Then that’s what it takes

Song Details
Singer : Arctic Monkeys
Album : The Car
Lyrics : Alex Turner
Music : James Ford
Label : Domino Recording Company

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